Hi! How to Invite Paradise Island friend and use gift codes?
1 Click on the lower right button on your Paradise Island homescreen with the 3 people.
2 Sociality screen will open.
3 Click in Invite Friends button on the bottom...enter their username(not their island name).
1 Click on Services tab
2 Click on the Friend code arrow.
3 Enter friend code of 6 digits.(search the web, they are all over the place.) This will give you piastries and money!
Note: you can only...
How to Invite Paradise Island Friends and use Friend Gift Code?
1 Click on the lower right button on your Paradise Island homescreen with the 3 people.
2 Sociality screen will open.
3 Click in Invite Friends button on the bottom...enter their username(not their island name).
1 Click on Services tab
2 Click on the Friend code arrow.
3 Enter friend code of 6 digits.(search the web, they are all over the place.) This will give you piastries and money!
Note: you can only...
How to Invite Paradise Island Friends and use Friend Gift Code?